5 Common Cause Of Slow Drains In Your Home That You Can Easily Fix

If you’ve ever been in the middle of cooking dinner and suddenly heard your drain start to make funny noises, you know how frustrating a slow drain can be. But what causes this phenomenon? Why does it happen? And more importantly, do we have to call a plumber every time? There is so much that can affect your drainage system, here are just a few of the most common causes:


Hair can get caught in your drainage system, which can cause slow drainage. Hair is not only extremely long but also very flexible and can wrap itself around drain pipes and other objects, causing them to become clogged. This causes the drains to back up and fill up with water, which can overflow into your home.

Hair also has oils on it that are made from your scalp and skin, so when it gets into the drain, it can clog them up as well. You may not be able to see or feel this happening, but over time it will cause the drains to become clogged up and start backing up into your home, requiring you to contact experienced plumbers to help with your system.

Food waste

Clogged drains can be caused by a number of things, including food waste. When you dispose of food in the garbage disposal, it can get stuck in the drain and clog it up. Also, this can attract pests to your home as they look for an easy meal.

To avoid these problems, make sure that when you clean up after meals you put all excess food into the garbage disposal instead of letting any go down the drain. If there is still some left behind on plates or in cups after washing them off, then put them into a plastic bag before putting them into the disposal bin for future use or composting later on.

Soap buildup

Soap is one of the biggest causes of slow drain issues. Soap is a caustic substance that can corrode your plumbing system, and grease can cause clogs. When these substances build up in your pipes, it can lead to slow-draining drains or even clogs that require professional attention.

Soap is an alkali and will react with organic matter such as food scraps, hair and other organic debris in your pipes, leading to corrosion. As the pipe corrodes, it becomes increasingly difficult for water to travel through it efficiently. This can result in slow draining drains or even drainage problems in certain areas of your plumbing system.

Grease buildup

Grease is also a culprit when it comes to slow draining drains or clogged drains because it can build up inside pipes and obstruct them completely, preventing water from flowing through at all times or causing backups when drains are flushed.

Corrosion and scale buildup

Corrosion and scale buildup are two common causes of slow drains. Corrosion is a process by which pipes start to rust, and scale buildup is a layer of minerals that may form on the inside of the pipe.

Corrosion can be caused by poor water quality or old pipes. If you have an older home with galvanized steel plumbing, there’s a good chance your pipes are already corroding from age alone — even if you have good water quality! Scale buildup can also occur when there isn’t enough water flowing through the drain line for long periods of time (such as overnight).


if you’re trying to figure out which is causing your drain to be slow, These are just a few of the issues that can cause it, and if you are ever in doubt, getting in touch with an experienced plumber is always a good way to get help. 

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