Coachalor Morgan Mayer has previously struggled with her own mental health her whole life. Having suffered severe anxiety and depression, despite from the outside looking in she had everything, she was in a great deal of mental pain. Stuck, scared and ashamed of her suffering, Morgan had no information or tools to seek the help she really needed to move forward and progress through to a happy life.

Then a painful breakup, a career transition along with the possibilities of residential relocation one Summer led to Morgan creating the ‘Life Map.’ A conceptual life map design of the programs she wished she had and needed throughout her life. Morgan has now created these programs from the hundreds of different approaches towards mental health that she has learnt about and tested out personally during her life.

This method was designed to help people in the way Morgan would have wanted to be helped and involve all challenging aspects of philosophy, psychology, mind-body, existentialism, nutrition and medication. By tackling many different aspects of mental health, Morgan is able to truly give her clients all the tools they need to fully develop and become who they were always meant to be. 

Welcome Morgan, thank you for coming on board with us, can you introduce yourself to us?

Hi, thank you for this opportunity and for including me on your amazing platform. I am happy to connect with you all. My name is Morgan Mayer and I am a counsellor, life coach and author. I am a French-American woman, with a passion for mental health and personal development. I am a loving wife, devoted friend and passionate coachalor.  

Can you give us a little back-story on how you are where you are today as a Coachalor?

My education is in psychology and in counselling. I counselled for two years and then worked for four years with survivors of domestic abuse, which was a truly wonderful experience. After a certain point, I decided that I wanted to build my own business and to help all kinds of women, not only survivors. This led me to build my business: LifeMap. My goal in creating LifeMap was to give all people, whether they were familiar with psychology or not, what I consider to be the cream of the crop of personal development, in a very accessible and digestible form. 

LifeMap and my decision to build a business definitely stemmed from my own struggle with mental health. I used to suffer from severe anxiety and depression until I took the decision to look into myself and to heal. For years, I lived as a stranger in my own body and my journey toward healing and self-love has been a long, strenuous and worthwhile one.  As I often say, I am writing the book I wish I had had during the course of my life. As I say that, I do realise that this book would not exist without my need for it. It was created to be a guide for anyone who is struggling, suffering and feels lost in their lives. 

Can you take us back to the very beginning of your career and how you got started with getting your first client on board?

I have been a counsellor for the past six years, so my first client was a domestic abuse survivor and my first coaching client was a friend of a friend, through word of mouth. Even though coaching is traditionally very different from counselling, I believe that counselling and coaching are complementary practices and that both should be integrated into the healing process. 

How are you helping both high-performing men and women to truly maximise their potential, in order to achieve success and happiness in all areas of their professional and private lives?

LifeMap at its core is about helping my clients reach their ideal life destination. As I often say, most people are stuck because they don’t know: what they want, why they want it and how to get there. LifeMap is a self-help guide to teach people all of the tools that they need to tap into their inner greatness. 

Life Map is divided into three sections of four chapters each, all presented in an optimal order for growth. The underlying method, the DHD method stands for:

  • Discover what you want and what is holding you back from getting there.
  • Heal from your past traumas and life traps.
  • Design the life you truly want.

The main service that I currently propose through my website is personal coaching. However, I am also in the process of finishing my book, and of creating the LifeMap podcast channel. So many exciting things are in creation and I am working on developing many different routes to help people achieve personal growth. 

What 3 key steps can we implement to reach an internal place of self-love, joy and peace?

I tried to keep it to three but ended up with four key steps. Sorry!

  1. Figuring out with clarity what you want and why you want it.
  2. Gaining awareness and understanding the root of the subconscious disempowering beliefs and processes that are blocking you from becoming your best self (we all have them). 
  3. Working on integrating and accepting all of your parts: especially the ones that you don’t like. We can only change and heal once we have fully accepted and made peace with our past and our present selves. 
  4. Setting clear future goals and staying consistent in your journey towards them. 

Can you share with us a particular career highlight so far?

I have had many but the most recent one would have to be the moment I finished writing the first draft of my book LifeMap. It was about a month ago and it was a truly amazing moment of satisfaction. Writing a book had always been a dream of mine but I had never thought I would have the courage to actually start and the stamina to see it through. Seeing my vision transform into reality gave me a huge amount of confidence and firmly reinforced my belief in the power of visualisation and in the value of consistency. We truly can achieve anything we set our minds to. We just need to believe that we are capable of doing so. 

How about any hardship, difficult times or barriers faced whilst growing professionally?

The hardest part for me has been my struggle with the feeling of what is called ‘impostor syndrome.’ “Why me?” is a common disempowering thought that I still struggle with to this day. I do think that many of us battle with these kinds of beliefs, especially women. One piece of advice that has really stuck with me and helped me overcome my doubts was to imagine every successful or passionate person out there comparing him or herself to other people in their field.

What if they had let their doubts stop them from achieving their dreams? What if Oprah had thought: “who needs another TV host?” Or if Michelangelo had thought: “the world has enough artists already, who needs another one?” Rest assured, I am by no means trying to compare myself to Oprah or Michelangelo. I am simply trying to exemplify how disempowering beliefs and doubts will stall your capacity for growth, whoever you are. And most people in the world will struggle with doubt. I believe that creating our purpose is born through our capacity to act regardless of our doubts and of our fears.  Feel the doubt and act anyways. Feel the fear and act anyway. Feel the discomfort and act anyways. I truly believe that we all have a special gift and that we are all capable of greatness, each in our own individual way. 

I try to practice what I preach so I am constantly working on shifting my mindset into an empowering one. I attempt to train myself to take action even when I am in a place of doubt or fear. I have overcome many fears and phobias by simply acting even when I was afraid. I am constantly training by the brain into believing that I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to. And this is hard work. It is a daily grind. It has been and still is, my greatest challenge and achievement.  

 Additionally, staying focused has been another professional struggle. I am a very passionate woman and I get quickly excited and distracted with many different ideas and projects. I have to frequently reel myself in and redirect my attention towards one goal at a time.  

How are you working towards your own personal development?

My whole life has been a professional development journey. My current business is the direct result of my personal development journey so I believe that life is about becoming the best version of yourself, whatever that may mean to you. I am always striving to learn more about how I can improve and become a better person. I do this through personal therapy, extensive reading and constant inquiring about how other human beings and myself experience life. I often ask people what their dream life is and the responses vary considerably. It is truly inspiring. We are all so different and similar at the same time. We all want to be fulfilled and successful yet these two words mean such different things to people. That being said I have found that human patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving can be summarised into two categories: 

  • Patterns that bring you closer to joy, success and empowerment.
  • Patterns that destroy and disempower you. 

My goal is to help people who live with disempowering patterns transform those patterns into constructive and empowering ones. 

One hard lesson in life you have learned so far?

As much as it’s been hard to admit to myself: I am the creator of my reality. This was very hard because I used to blame external people and circumstances for the way I was. We do not choose where we come from and what we go through as children but as adults, we have the power and control to change our experiencing of life by working on ourselves and freeing ourselves from our past. By blaming external people, experiences, and circumstances for our lives, we stay stuck. The hard lesson I have learned is that your reality is simply a reflection of how you feel on the inside. Your life is truly what you make of it. You attract what you are, you attract what you feel and you attract what you think. I know this because my own experiencing life has completely transformed in the last few years.

Growing up, even though from the outside I appeared to “have it all”, I was deeply miserable and every day was a struggle. I saw the world as a closed, limited and scary place and I suffered immensely. After years of working on my issues, healing my wounds and discovering the keys to inner peace, I finally experience life in a completely different way. Life is now full of possibilities and gifts. My life has changed because I have changed: it now reflects my current mindset. Change occurs from within. And this is why I have created LifeMap and why I do what I do. I want to help people live more and suffer less. I want to help people change their inner lives so that they can finally experience their lives with joy and fulfilment. There truly is a space and place for everyone in this world. To quote one of my favourite mentors,

 “The world needs that special gift that only you have.” – Marie Forleo

What are your preferred marketing methods for personal coaching sessions?

Word of mouth has always worked very well for me and I have recently started online marketing through online advertising. Whoever is interested in personal coaching sessions can book a discovery call with me directly through my website. I still have a limited number of places available for September 2019 for personal online coaching. 

What does #BEYOUROWN mean to you?

BEYOUROWN perfectly pinpoints my values and my philosophy. Become the best version of you. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are unique. How can you become better than you were yesterday? Not: how can you become better than somebody else. You are your only competition. I sincerely believe that we all have an innate capacity for growth and for greatness. Some call it success, some call it self-actualisation. The point is: we all have an intrinsic aptitude for growth and personal development. Throughout the years, I have discovered that my purpose is to help others find their inner strength and their life purpose. 

What have you got planned throughout the rest of 2019?

Funnily enough, I have just written and stuck my 2019-2020 goals onto my fridge door. This coming year is going to be a very exciting one as many projects are underway: I will be publishing the LifeMap book, launching the LifeMap podcast and creating online educational videos about LifeMap. Stay tuned!

Favourite quote : 

“Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself” – George Bernard Shaw.



Instagram: @morganmayerlifemap

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/morganmayerlifemap

Website: https://www.morganmayerlifemap.com


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