BEYOUROWN Meets Alice Godfrey

After a long fertility journey and a thyroid diagnosis Alice Godfrey became frustrated with conventional forms of medicine and sought out a different approach to her wellbeing. Through personal research and then through studying to become a nutritional therapist she found that it was nutrition and lifestyle medicine that gave her the answers and the results she needed. 

She now helps tired women nourish and support their thyroid so they can feel lighter, brighter and happier.  And she’s passionate about making life easier and healthier for busy women.

Alice has a thyroid health Facebook group (Get more energy | thyroid support for tired women) and a signature programme for hypothyroid women, Love Your Thyroid. She has made appearances in the Guardian, the Telegraph and Stylist magazine. 

Describe setback or challenge in your career

My job role was changed when I was 9 months pregnant.  I negotiated redundancy and got full maternity pay.  I used this money to retrain in nutritional therapy so that I could be more flexible and spend a lot of time with my baby / children.

How do you navigate the changing business landscape and stay informed about industry trends in order to adapt your strategies and remain competitive?

I complete at least 30 hours of CPD each year that involves, reading, attending webinars and conferences and doing courses.  My professional body has a useful forum and I have colleagues in the same business that I discuss issues with.  I also either have a business coach or am part of a coaching programme for most of every year which enables me to find new ways, (and keep existing ways going) of promoting myself and keeping my content relevant and accessible. 

How do you approach building and leading high-performance teams, and what strategies do you use to motivate team members to achieve their full potential?

I’m a sole trader but I do have a virtual assistant.  I think it’s helpful to include team members in team goals and to celebrate and reward successes.

How balance short term financial goals with long term strategic planning for business growth and sustainability? 

It’s just me so this is easy as long as I check in with my goals and results regularly.

Could you elaborate on the simple principles of Nutritional Therapy that you believe can make a significant difference in improving people’s health, and why it’s important for you to spread this message extensively?

I made the decision to focus exclusively on my 6 month thyroid programme and stop doing 1:1 sessions.  It wasn’t the best use of my time and it means I can share my knowledge with far more people.  Nutritional Therapy has simple principles behind it that make a huge difference to people’s health and I want to spread that message as far and wide as possible.

Role of innovation play in business and strategy and how foster culture of it within org

I regularly check in with the direction of my business and make sure it is growing and making change in my industry.

How handle ethical dilemmas and make difficult decisions in role as business leader

Sometimes we need to take a step back to make sure we are seeing the picture objectively.  Then having confidence in our values and how to proceed is key.  It’s easy to doubt ourselves in difficult decisions but doing this helps prevent that.

How can nutritional therapy play a role in addressing the challenges of 21st-century Western living and empowering women to live with enhanced energy, motivation, and overall well-being?

I want to share the benefits of nutritional therapy and how we can all help our own health with small tweaks to the way we live.  I want to highlight that 21st century living in the west can be extremely detrimental and there needs to be more awareness around this.  I want to empower women to live happily with energy and motivation, so their health is boosting their home and work life and not holding them back.

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